Are you worried about your sore throat and coughing?
Coughing is a protective reflex (automatic muscle action) that pushes air out of the lungs and upper airways (trachea, nose, and mouth) to clear phlegm and foreign irritants.
Classification of Cough
Acute Cough: An acute cough is a cough that lasts for at most 3 weeks, most often due to a viral infection of the respiratory tract. Have symptoms such as fever, stuffy nose, sore throat, etc.
Chronic Cough: A chronic cough is when it lasts eight weeks or longer. The most common causes of chronic cough are sinusitis, asthma, and acid reflux – a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Dry cough, or cough without phlegm, does not produce phlegm and often irritates the throat.
Sputum cough is a cough characterized by a “heavy” feeling in the chest and accompanied by the spitting up of mucus (sputum).
It is advisable to find out the cause of the cough for treatment. It is possible to treat symptoms with cough suppressants when having dry cough and expectorant and expectorant with herbal extracts such as ivy leaf extract, ginger, cinnamon, mint, eucalyptus, … when coughing phlegm.
1) Drink enough water to keep your urine clear and light yellow. Adequate water intake helps the immune system fight disease. Water can help thin the phlegm.
You can use cough lozenges or hard candies. Example: Eugica herbal Coff Lozenges
2) Honey can be used to reduce the frequency of coughing.
3) Gargle with plain water or salt water for one minute three times a day to relieve symptoms.
4) Keep the body warm. If the air is dry, use a humidifier in the bedroom or home. This will help loosen the mucus, making it easier to spit out.
5) Get medical attention right away if your heart is beating very fast or if you have severe breathing difficulties, severe chest pain, or coughing.
1) Avoid alcohol: Alcohol causes dehydration and thickens phlegm.
2) Avoid being in a dry and cold environment.
3) Avoid places with lots of dust or smoke. If you smoke, stop smoking at least until your cough is gone, or quit.
4) Avoid taking antibiotics right away unless directed by your doctor.
Best Natural and safe remedy in sore throat and cough
Effective cough medicine
1. Ginger
A dry or asthmatic cough, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also relieve nausea and pain.
2. Menthol
It relieves symptoms such as sore throat, throat irritation, or cough.
3. Eucalyptus extract
It can also help you get the mucus out of your chest. Inhaling vapor made with the essential oil can loosen mucus so that when you do cough.
4. Coleus extract
This will give relief from common ailments like cold, cough, upper respiratory ailments, and common fever.
5. Cinnamon extract
Cinnamon stick soaked warm water along with a few drops of honey and a pinch of ginger juice about two-three times a day to get relief from congestion and sore throat.
Cough with natural herbs
1. Marshmallow root –
The marshmallow herb contains a compound called mucilage, which coats the throat and soothes irritation.
2. Honey
It’s effective in suppressing coughs, particularly those caused by upper respiratory tract infections, as some over-the-counter cough medicines.
3. Turmeric
Turmeric can help reduce inflammation and discomfort in people with cough & arthritis.
4. Peppermint
Peppermint contains menthol, which helps to numb nerve endings in the throat that become irritated by coughing. This may provide pain relief and reduce the urge to cough.